39 Hospital Street Heathcote VIC 3523
03 5431 0900



Procurement at Heathcote Health facilitate the management of all contracts relating to the procurement of goods and services for the health service, including the preparation and management of all contracts, agreements and tenders.

Here you will find information and support you need to participate in Heathcote Health tenders.

Procurement Complaints Management Procedure

Annual Procurement Activity Plan 2024-25 Financial Year

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (individual)

Procurement Complaints Procedure (individual)

Local Jobs First: https://www.buyingfor.vic.gov.au/local-jobs-first

Supplier Code of Conduct: https://www.buyingfor.vic.gov.au/supplier-code-conduct

Social Procurement Framework: https://www.buyingfor.vic.gov.au/social-procurementframework-and-guides

Modern Slavery Act: (If applicable): https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/criminal-justice/files/modern-slaveryreporting-entities.pdf


If you cannot find what you need, or require further information or advice, please contact Heathcote Health Chief Procurement Officer via Heathcote Health Administration on:
Phone: (03) 5431-0900
Email: HHSAdmin@heathcotehealth.org